Peace of Mind
The world today is full of hustle-and-bustle. The problems of the common man until the past 35-40 years was to make both ends meet somehow. Then the problem was to make atleast enough money. But enought means how much? Who would define enough? This situation was dominant in greater parts of India. People did not have the comfort that they have today. Be it living or communicating. Or the standard of living then was not as it its today. Even when the standard was increasing not all could afford it. Because money was the main concern. People did not have enough money to enjoy or fulfil their needs. But the story of today's India is different. Today India is a developing country. People do have enough money, though, the Rupee is devaluating, on their hands to fulfil what they yearn for. Even the middle class people do own cars. But alas ! In wanting more and more they keep running after only money. And that's what they dream of. And its where they have lost their peace of mind. One day people knew where to begin. They began. But still the day hasn't dawned when they will know where and when to stop. And even they do know it, they won't. They won't stop. And its this what greed is. And a greedy man is never satisfied even if he is given the whole world. But why need a world that is full of vices, corruption, disloyalty... The surprising thing about man is that he loses his health to make money and then loses all his money to restore his health. By thinking about the future and making to try it secure, he forgets the present to such an extent that he neither lives in the present nor for the future. And the thought of making and helplessly searching for material pleasure goes to such an extent that he lives as if he will never die and then dies as if he never lived. Is this what life is?, which is considered as a rare thing ? Is then there no solution to this ? Yes, why not ?! There is always a solution. Because they say, "If you want your peace of mind don't give your piece of mind." For that DO MEDITATE REGULARLY. Meditate daily. And then you will discover your inner powers that are above everything. And then you will know what life is, how precious it is, and why they say that its rare.